Is your EPUB accessible?
Put it to the test!
Hi, I’m Romain Deltour. Working for the DAISY Consortium
I'm gonna talk about accessibility testing, for EPUB
Thanks ebookcraft
Questions welcome at anytime
Because it’s the right thing
Because you don’t have a choice
Accessibility can be required by law (e.g. ADA,EU Directive on Digital Accessibility)
Because… it’s your (frickin’ damn) job!
If you’re serious about creating quality content, then it includes creating accessbile content.
Accessibility is a continuum
You’ll often hear that accessibility is a continuum. It means that it’s not just about "pass" or "fail". Baby steps, low-hanging fruits can already help a lot.
Accessibility is a multiverse!
Accessibility can mean different things for different users. A product can be accessible to some specific group of users, but not to others. It’s a multiverse!
Accessibility is about the whole thing
If a single one component in the system in the inaccessible, it can hinder the accessibility for the entire product.
And the devil is in the details…
Picture of a ramp blended into stairs, in Robson Park in Vancouver.
Often cited as a good example of universal design.
But some people say it has many issues: lack of rails, poor visibility at night, etc.
… but it’s well worth a shot!
What’s a book?
(drink! 🍻)
▶ a11y tree
▶ a11y API
▶ AT
Assistive technologies
Voice Over
There are various AT, this list is just a limited example. AT also include input devices (e.g. keyboard, switches).
Accessibility support
Using a technology in a way that is accessibility supported means that it works with assistive technologies (AT) and the accessibility features of operating systems, browsers, and other user agents.
– WCAG 2.0 specification
TIMING TIP: 15 mins
One of the most critical concept to grok.
A technical solution is only accessible when it’s accessibility supported.
Figuring out accessibility support
blog, articles, tweets
Web Platform Tests
… but no “Can I Use” 😞
often requires manual testing!
Accessibility inspectors (1)
Browser-Based Dev Tools
chrome://accessibility/ (Chrome)
F12 Accessibility Tree (Edge)
Dom Inspector (Firefox extension)
Accessibility Node Inspection in WebKit Web Inspector (Safari)
Accessibility inspectors (2)
Desktop apps
Aviewer (Windows)
Inspect (Windows SDK)
Accprobe (Windows)
Accessibility Inspector (Xcode, OS X)
<h2>Chapter 1: Loomings</h2>
<section aria-labelledby="ch1" >
<h2 id="ch1 >Chapter 1: Loomings</h2>
<div role="doc-chapter region" aria-labelledby="ch1">
<h2 id="ch1">Chapter 1: Loomings</h2>
Several levels of testing
Various testing methods
automated tests
manual inspection
user testing
Manual inspection is crucial!
Automation is NOT sufficient!
(Try to) involve users!
There’s only so much a developer or accessbility expert will detect.
Assumptions will always be blurred by cultural, social, sometimes physical bias
Hands-on testing with actual disabled people is invaluable
Identify platform combinations
epubjs + Firefox + NVDA on Windows
iBooks/Safari + VoiceOver on MacOS
Chrome + TalkBack on Android
Test as early as possible!
Never, ever, understimate the cost of remediation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
automation can help too
For advanced workflows, consider Continuous Integration
Learn, share, Educate
If you can’t secure leadership backing right away, you can still form a grassroots accessibility movement within the company.
— A DIY Web Accessibility Blueprint
Demo time!
Chrome Contrast Checker
aXe browser extension
EPUB testing tools
All of the aforementioned tools!
Ace, by DAISY
IBM Digital Content Checker
Ace, by DAISY
$ npm install @daisy/ace
Demo time!
command line basics
automated violation
image list
Mmm… but I hate the command line!
Ask for help! Don’t be shy!
baCC : by the German Central Library for the Blind (DZB)
Ace Desktop App comming later this year… stay tuned!
S implified M anual A ccessibility R eporting T ool
TIMING TIP: 45 minutes
The goal is to help simplify each of the tasks that have to be carried out, from validation of the content to insertion of discovery and reporting metadata.
Demo time!
UI Overview
Import from Ace
Should I use several tools?
Guess what?
It depends! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Accessibility testing is sometimes complex, and sometimes you will trip up…
Do not aim too high, and always be aware of the technical context (a11y support)
You will need to learn some new methods, some new tools
And these will help avoiding the pitfalls
Remember to build a team, get help
You’ll get there! Be proud to do a quality job, get some wow!
And –most importantly–, you’ll make more readers happy!