DAISY Pipeline 2
an Overview

Romain Deltour

DAISY Annual General Meeting – June 12th 2013

An open-source, cross-platform framework for the automated production and maintenance of accessible content, efficiently and economically
DAISY Pipeline logo  http://daisy.org/pipeline2 
A world map of DAISY members

Basic requirements

A tale of two pipelines

Pipeline 1 Pipeline 2

The Pipeline 2 focus

Single-source publishing

Convert from a single XML master document to a variety of output formats However a variety of different input XML formats can be used.

How it works

The pipeline engine communicates with its command line user interface, website or systems with an interoperable API

Use cases

As an internal component in a conversion tool chain As a local application As a public or private web site
The Pipeline 2 command-line tool user interface
As a command line tool
The Pipeline 2 Web user interface
As a web application

An open project

You can make a difference!

Thank you!